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Mountain Hunter
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Handgefertigt in Deutschland
Größte Auswahl an Steinbach Nussknackern
Through the snowy forests and over mountain ranges our Mountain Hunter tracks and hunts wild animals like deer, wolves and bears. Equipped with his trusty knife, he brings home trophies from his successful hunts. Just look at the beautiful antler he was able to procure this time!
Of course hunters do not just hunt for sport. Our Mountain Hunter also makes sure to keep a natural balance in his hunting grounds. Then, after a long day outside he likes to warm himself on the fire barrel to share his stories. A beautiful piece for every collector.
The Mountain Hunter is the fourth version of the Steinbach Mountain series and convinces with its detailed implementation, the extremely high quality workmanship and the carefully selected accessories. After the Old Mountain Trapper our new Mountain Hunter is ready for bigger prey.
Limited 2,000 pieces
0.46 m | 18.11 inch
Limited Edition Big Nutcracker
From Steinbach with Love
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