Pyramid nativity scene

Verkäufer Müller Kleinkunst
Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Arbeitstage

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Handgefertigt in Deutschland

Größte Auswahl an Steinbach Nussknackern

Artikel-Nr.: 10332
The combination of noble, certified tropical woods gives the figures of this column pyramid from Müller Kleinkunst their special liveliness. The natural color and grain of the wood has been skilfully used to create the simple robes of the Holy Family and the noble costume of the Magi. The faces are hand painted. Please only use candles designed for pyramids, as candles that are too long could burn the pyramid's wings. This pyramid by our german friends Müller Kleinkunst is sure to make for a beautiful addition to any Christmas decoration.

m | 12.6 inch



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