Chubby Carpenter

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Größte Auswahl an Steinbach Nussknackern

Artikel-Nr.: S1330

In a certain tradition, the journeyman years (Wanderjahre) are a time of travel for several years after completing apprenticeship as a craftsman. The tradition dates back to medieval times and is still alive in France and the German-speaking countries. Normally three years and one day is the minimum period of journeyman/woman. Crafts include roofing, metalworking, woodcarving, carpentry and joinery, and even millinery and musical instrument making/organ building. In honor of this tradition is our Nutcracker "Chubby Carpenter" available, which is not only at Christmas time a true collector's item. Handcrafted with love and care in detail - "Made iby Steinbach"


null m | 11 inch



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