Shopping Lady

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Artikel-Nr.: SN24BN4028

Introducing our latest creation, the "Shopping Lady" nutcracker. This elegant lady takes pride in her appearance, having just returned from a shopping spree with bags filled to the brim. Adorned in her recent finds – a stunning coat and chic hat acquired just yesterday – she exudes style.

A true fashion icon, the Shopping Lady meticulously selects her wardrobe, showcasing a passion for elegance and trends. Her preferred shopping destination? The vibrant streets of New York, influencing her urban and sophisticated flair.

This nutcracker embodies a love for fashion and sophistication, paying tribute to the modern woman's enthusiasm for shopping. Handmade with attention to detail in Germany, the Shopping Lady is a unique and charming addition to your collection. Let her allure you with the refinement and glamour she brings.


0.46 m | 18.11 inch


Big Nutcracker

From Steinbach with Love

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