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European Heritage - Germany

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Handgefertigt in Deutschland
Größte Auswahl an Steinbach Nussknackern
Our Nutcracker "European Heritage - Germany" is the SECOND in our new series EUROPEAN HERITAGE.
It is strictly limited to 2,000 pieces and impresses with its high-quality workmanship and carefully selected details such as his traditional German Lederhosen, complemented by his shirt and green traditional hat.
Germany is a country with a rich history of architecture and craftsmanship. Our Nutcracker showcases some of these beloved "German wonders," like the cuckoo clock, which traditionally originates from the Black Forest. At his feet, there are two garden gnomes, essential in every German garden. And, of course, he also holds a beer in his hand, with Bavarian Lederhosen completing the ensemble.
With this Nutcracker, we aimed to combine a few German elements you all love, allowing you to bring your very own figure of German heritage into your home. A piece of history is narrated through detailed craftsmanship by Steinbach."A piece of history is told in detailed handcraft by Steinbach. ist das gutes englisch A piece of history is told in detailed handcraft by Steinbach.
0.54 m | 21.26 inch
Limited Edition Big Nutcracker
From Steinbach with Love
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